Now your meeting is live at nanoStream Cloud! In Zoom, click open “Live Stream on Custom Live Streaming Service”.Share the playback URL with your audience.For the web playback URL, use the Web Playback H5Live URL (you can also leave it open).Copy the nanoStream “Ingest URL” and “Stream Name” to the Zoom config.Go to settings and enable “Allow Live Streaming Meetings”.You can combine Zoom easily to a global live streaming platform for enlarging your audience to your own web page! Zoom is now one of the standard applications to join video meetings.
Please reach out to us for further details and our new complete offering nanoMeet! How to use Zoom with nanoStream Cloud a Jitsi/Jibri custom setup or a nanoMeet account.How to use Jitsi Meet with nanoStream Cloud You can obtain this URL and Stream Name Information from either the nanoStream Cloud Dashboard () or you might receive this information from our support. You need a Streaming URL and Stream Name (also called Stream Token) from nanoStream Cloud.

For Jitsi Meet, you need a custom setup including a modified version of the Jibri broadcasting module.

Zoom can directly connect to nanoStream Cloud via an RTMP Url, similar to other platforms like Facebook Live or Youtube Live. With the built-in nanoPlayer based on our unique nanoStream H5Live technology, you can share a live stream with any audience on any browser platform and easily integrate any live video into your own web page. It is available 24/7 with a global scalable network. NanoStream Cloud is a live streaming platform for Interactive Live Streaming with Ultra-Low-Latency. The nanoStream Cloud and H5Live Player solution enables audience engagement by keeping the latency (delay) between the video meeting and the live stream very low. The whole meeting is captured and sent out to the live streaming platform for distribution to larger audiences on any web page. The video meeting will remain in the closed group of the video call (Zoom or Jitsi). Please contact us for details about our new complete offering nanoMeet ! There is more to come for these applications by nanocosmos – With this approach, you can setup your own branded video meeting web site, and share a live stream with any web based audience! We already used this with our own Jitsi setup recently for streaming a live interview. You can run your meeting with these products and share a live stream to any audience! We integrated with conferencing products like Zoom or Jitsi. How can I just send a video conference or meeting to my own web site and create my custom branded live streaming web site to interact with my audience? Embed a video meeting on your own web page and engage larger audiences! Also technically, their end-to-end latency is not enabled for interactive applications. They have several restrictions: they have their own branded environment and require 3rd party accounts, which both restricts possible ways to monetise your content. There are social media platforms like Youtube Live or Facebook Live. You may want to send your video meeting to a live streaming platform and embed the meeting on your own web page.
Most of them are based on downloadable software products with a clear use case: collaborating and speaking full-screen in a closed meeting room with a group of team members, colleagues or students.Ī challenge remains: How is it possible to share these video meetings with larger audiences and external viewers, but keep the interactive approach to keep the audience engaged in the meeting? Interactive Video Meetings are everywhere with so many people working or studying from home.įor joining a video-based meeting room, you can use several products, like Zoom, Skype, Teams, GotoMeeting, or the web based Jitsi.